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how not to fly FPV DRONE in GTA 500:00

kaafi anthak mehnet or koshisho k baad i was finally able to make this, hope you will like it and let me know in the comments what you think about this.

Follow me on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artbywasif

    1. MJ Wine
    2. Muhammad Hassan
    3. AHMEE
    4. Ahsan waheed
    5. Ahsan waheed
    6. Abdullah Ghafoor
    7. Taimoor Qamar
    8. Shafeh Mirza
    9. Omer Bin Anwar - OBA
    10. Farooq Ahmadzai
    11. Abdullah Khalid
    12. Irshad Hussain
    13. Mateeb Ahmad
    14. Zaid Khan
    15. Hiba Ashfaq
    16. Samreen Akhter
    17. asad chohan
    18. Life Of Shahmeer

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