Watch this video and learn how easy it is to build a FPV Super Quadcopter, cheap and easy, just in one day. You do not need to do any research; you do not need to buy any Expensive RTF setup, you do not have to worry about crashes and finding parts. Everything that you need to build a Quadcopter probably already lying around your house, so why not put them together and get yourself a super fast, super smooth FPV Quadcopter built in one day.
Kindly Do not email me asking what components I have used. I will not reply. I have left the specs and components information on video titles so feel free to follow and get the same components to use or use similar components to build you this awesome FPV Quadcopter in few hours. Watch the video from beginning to end and you will not have to email me.
Do not ask me where to buy this quadcopter and do not ask me to build you this copter. You have to build it yourself that is why I posted this video. Please…
More Thrilling Obstacle course Amazing FPV videos from home built FPV Arachnid Quadcopter will follow soon
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Comments and feedback welcome at , and
Does that setup also work out with the kk.2 board?
Ali, I have a 7ch radio controller from a crappy helicopter I no longer
use. Do you know if I can bind another RC vehicle to it, like your DIY
do you have long range quad copter with GPS?
What battery are you using
What would be a good controller for a build like this?
+alishanmao can you tell me where do you buy parts to build this quad ?
Also how much it cost ? Thanks !
WOW ! me has dejado con las patas colgando ! , alucinante ,muy bueno ,
congratulatios! your’e amazing RC maker!
Like and sub!
Would I be able to double up on some 1/2 inch insulation foam (very sturdy,
I build planes with it) for the frame?
Thanks for another great video.. But I’m interested in why you think NAZA M
V2 isn’t a good FC?
I’ve had mine on my hex for a while and it seems perfect.. What’s the
yea… Im wondering about that too!!! I had a phantom with naza lite and
have some complains about that… now Im with a bigger tarot that I did set
up with naza v2 and it works much better… whats your opinion about naza
v2!! im worred eh
People say that it flips over when you switch from GPS to manual mode and
Sounds to me like it’s pilot error.
People love to blame their equipment for their mistakes.
There’s a few long threads over at rc forum. But they all sound like they
could be explained by pilot errors.
Hi what’s the average flight time of this quadcopters?
How much it cost to build ?
Nice scratchbuild. Quite stable. What is the total weight?
may i know which forum ?
a eallu good idea to build it themselfe but it ned works todo and i am
working to do the same thing
doesnt china block youtube?
What is the power supply?
I think there is no need to use wood and aluminium, the frame is one of the
cheapest part of quadcopters, we can buy a simple frame for $9 or less, the
expensive parts are the receivers, transmiter and ECS, if you can buy all
the parts i think you can buy a quadcopter frame XD
May I ask, Why not the NAZA V2?
Check out this video on YouTube:
If they are hollow they are called tubes.
If they transfer liquid they are called pipes.
If they are solid they are called bars.
Doesn’t matter whether they’re square, round, hex, or rectangular.
Whats the price from the multirotor bgl m1 ??
Lg mike
I’m new in this field and i want to build my own multi-copter drone, i will
use it as a project for my end of studies, and its a multi-copter which
support heavy weight (~2kg except the components) so i want u to suggest me
on the type Hexa-copter or Quad-copter, choosing the components, like the
props size and motors, battery, frame.. and i think i’ll use the NAZA v2 as
a control board.
Thanks advanced.
Sir what MOdel reciver and remote controll you have used in it
Can you recommend a good , cheap quad that can fly with mobius?
build one or buy this one in this video. I am selling it cheap
How Much? In $
I want this one without fpv
whats the cost?
Will i get more speed if i use a higher rpm motor ??? or will the weight of
the motor and battery i got 6 * 7500 rpm el motor
or will the weight of the motor and battery kill the speed
where can i get the all parts of quad copter and how much cost for parts
please mention
Oompa Loompa!! Someone had to say it.
I think you should rename it to the Scorpion. The Go Pro looks like the
head and the video transmitter looks like the stinger tail
What are dimensions of the frame? 19.5 cm ?
nice video! I was wondering what battery should i use for my quadcopter?
alishanmao you were best, you are best and you will be best foreever in rc
where do u live???