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How to Fly FPV Race Drone Gates Galore03:47

How to Fly FPV Race Drone
Simulator to Reality
Gates Galore
This is our third video in our series of How to Fly FPV Race Drone – Simulator to Reality and today we continue to refine and practice throttle management, altitude control and coordinated power turns. This time, though, instead of using Race Flags with no ceilings, we’ll be using ALL Race Gates! This forces us to maintain our altitude closer to the ground and perform more precision flying.
We use the Velocidrone Simulator to accomplish our first track run and then two runs on our Backyard FPV Race Track set-up to emulate the track which we fly in this videos’ simulated flight. Strap in—It’s Time to Fly!
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Velocidrone Flight Training: https://bit.ly/2xuFsqT
Velocidrone Racing League:
PRODUCT LINKS: Some (or all) of the following are affiliated links–when you use them to make ANY purchase (not just the linked product), AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO YOU, supports your TMac FPV Channel & enable TMac FPV to earn small referral fees through affiliated sites. They are here for your convenience & there is no additional cost to you for using them.

Goggles – Aomway Commander V1: https://bit.ly/2OBTWM8
Radio – Taranis QX7: https://bit.ly/2Nr1DIz
DroneGuard CS 300 From Lowepro Secure Quadcopter Backpack/Case: https://amzn.to/2QEKPM6
Charger – Keenstone C1-XR Intelligent Charger: https://amzn.to/2LV5qs6
Race Gates, Corner Poles, and Whoop Hoops:
DIY PVC, House Wrap, Pool Noodles,
transparent Hoola-Hoops & LED Lights!
Camera Gear: Hawkeye Firefly Micro, DROGRACE Action Camera WP 350, Motorola Moto G
Quads – QX-65, GT R90, Wizard X220
Intro Music: Irish Tin Whistle — Celtic/Dance
Flight Music
Track: RMCM & James Roche – Diamonds (feat. Micah Martin) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/NN9upfPLD0U
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/DiamondsYO
Music used: Dark Blade by Makai Symphony
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Outro Music: Forged By Fire: A Celtic Battle Theme. Royalty/Copyright Free
An Epic, Celtic Battle theme inspired by the story of Willam Wallace. Composed by Moustro 2015
#fpvracing, #fpvracedrone, #tmacfpv, #wizardx220, #droneracing, #Diatone, #GTR90, #fpvracing, #racingdrone, #brushlessmicroquad, #fpv, #drones, #quadcopter, #multirotor

    1. TMac
    2. Lucky Rotors FPV

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