Initial Drone (2015 Drone Racing)03:03

Since my main PC died I was going through old files on it and stumbled upon this little gem from 2015 ๐Ÿ˜€ Reminded me of the Initial D anime so thought I would make a fun clip out of it ๐Ÿ˜€ Its worth noting at this point in time ESC breaking was new (I had just put escs that support breaking the night before this flight) and 4s was just a concept that only the most bold would try to conquer ๐Ÿ˜€

Hope you enjoy it. Comments and Questions down below ๐Ÿ™‚

Frame: Minion 220
Motors: Dragon fly 1806 2300kv
ESCs: DYS SN20a (Oneshot125 :D)
Propeller: HQ 5045BN
FC: Naze32 Rev 3 or Rev 5 (using CleanFlight)
Battery: Turnigy Nanotech 1.4A 3s
RC Link: CPPM ๐Ÿ˜€
VTX: Aomway VTX Or Immersion RC 25mw VTX with DIY Pingpong ball antenna
Camera: Security Cam 2000 or some boscam thing


Initial D 5th Stage Soundtrack – Speedy Runner

    2. Sebzik fpv
    3. Yu Lilici
    4. UAVfutures
    5. Hrr Pippi
    6. David Martin

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