Mini Mamba V2 mini quadcopter review (part 1)11:34

The Mini Mamba mini quadcopter has been updated and this is version 2 which has many improvements over the original.

Although I did angle the Mobius camera platform, clearly, without the props also tilted, this machine could do with even more angle on the cameras.

Just like the original, this mini quadcopter handles very nicely and has a good turn of speed, given its somewhat larger size than most other 250 class miniquads such as the Blackout Mini H, ZMR250, QAV250 and MXP230.

Although perhaps not as nimble as the smaller miniquads, it will hold its own in racing and, as you’ll see in part 2 of this review, its very tough. In part 2 I’ll also include footage shot with the props angled at 10 degrees so you can compare the difference.

The review frame was provided for review by Quadrysteria:

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    3. Jon Car
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    7. EpicRC
    8. gibmirschnell
    9. Dave Sharp
    10. every day objects in not so every day uses
    11. Oscar Thorpe
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    13. xjet
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    24. renoflash06
    25. pmikey666
    26. robsycko
    27. Robert Price
    28. Quadrysteria
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    30. El Fueda
    31. Stambo
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    33. Gary Ferguson Jr
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    38. crazyvahillbilly
    39. Lip stick
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    41. Chris Rohrer
    42. Robert Sprecher

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