Race 6 – DHL Tower
Season 2 of the DHL Champions Series fueled by Mountain Dew continues at DHL HQ in Bonn, Germany. Watch our five teams battle for the 2018 title in this years finals.
Drone Racing Teams
Rebel | FlightONE | Uvify | NexxBlades | Archangel
That was intense!??????
Wow! Those laps by Minchan in the callout race!!!! #neverlift
Dang Uvify really only had 1 pilot. Minchan can only do so much, if he would have had even 1 pilot to help him they would have won.
That was so epic and heart pumping! Congrats everyone
What a great series . I liked this season even more than last years. Loved the background on the pilots . MinChan was incredible . Lots of great racing by awesome pilots
Flight one super
OMG, Minchan destroyed Vanover, haha! I mean, beat him out the gate at about 90% speed while Alex was pushing about 115% speed and crashing. Then, Minchan does the second lap at about 115% “minchan speed” and proves Alex really never had a chance:) All the pilots in the background were going nuts watching that second lap…such a great moment!!!
Wow, this was a much better way to watch a drone race.
Trying to watch 3 or 4 screens at once isnt very fun..
A great production. Love the sport, but televising it still has a LONG way to go before view-ability is solved. Can’t wait for next season!! ?
“Fueled by Mountain Jew”?
where is the onboard HD footage from? Not a gopro. Onboard DVR? Runcam split?
How come the fpv feed is so good?
Amazing races and course! How does this channel have so few subscribers?!?
Wow! So stoked to see this!
Love the tracks and great production, needs more flying footage but really good job, a lot more watchable for someone who isn’t a pilot.
Dhl sux i never use them
Skip to 31:20
Kori Xsaba :DDD Szegeny Csaba
This is insane !!! Have a Netflix series plz
Theres always an asain who does things better than you. Like if you agree
Great production !
GIVE IT UP FOR THE FILM AND PRODUCTION ..heart is beating so fast ..and so happy for Flight One ..that was some great competition..and hands down the most exciting sport ..and the reason I fly today…
Very nice !
Awesome flights love DR1 cool epic competition.
The whole series is amazing! Great job, the only thing I didn’t like is that some heats are just skipped.. for example here we have a 10min intro and then when the first race finally comes we don’t get to see it! With Kim showing off! imho it would be better to shorten other parts or show a bit more of the skipped heats
Finally a way for geeks, nerds, and beta males to feel manly! Theses are unmanned drones they are flying. How manly do you have to be to crash a drone, when you are not in it? Also, this is the only time they will get next to a hot babe! When they are interviewed.
Chess and drone racing: the only sports that you can sit down while doing it LOL.
Still, looks like fun, but I ain’t paying for it and I am NOT joining a fan club, no sponsor support.
i wonder if a computer could do it faster
just switched off DRL, DR1 you win
Really hyping up those bigger quads. and forgetting to mention that they are way bulkier, more expensive, heavier and clumsier. even though they have higher payload and battery life, i don’t think they’re really the future of drone racing
Why the mandatory pit stop?
Alex had no chance, never did. Min chans second lap was on the plastic the whole lap, rediculiously fast. Destroying any lap Alex did or had done that day.
X class drones
I do like watching these, but comparing the sound to a car race is just not even close
It’s likely that the fastest quad pilot in the world is not even a professional racer.
Amazing stuff. This hobby has come a long way in the 4 yrs Ive been flying.
Wow =)
awesoooome amazing race
what’s the specs of the quads they’re racing with?
Next season, can we have the speed in km/h on screen?
really decent advertisement….
she put the whoop in the water lmao
It was a good effort!
In terms of video and transmitter traffic, what is the limit for how many racers you could have racing simultaneously on the same track?
At least something without Red Bull branding!
Nerds own the planet. Alphas bow down to people like bill gates, bro. lol
50k prize? may as well just start a YouTube channel instead and push your own components from banggood and gearbest like the rest. lol
Always an option – if you make one, we promise to watch. But only if you push your own components.
Always an option – if you make one, we promise to watch. But only if you push your own components.
+DR1 Racing this hobby is the epitome of cloning, deception and planned obsolescence. Ill let the rest do that instead ;P
@DR1 Racing this hobby is the epitome of cloning, deception and planned obsolescence. Ill let the rest do that instead ;P
@Drone Racing Association this hobby is the epitome of cloning, deception and planned obsolescence. Ill let the rest do that instead ;P
me wonder if a computer could fly the course fasterer
Fist time I’ve watched drone racing and IT IS AWESOME!
Why does the commentator sound like an American trying to sound British?
I will never understand pit stops in any kind of motorsport and I understand them even less in drone racing.
I will never understand pit stops in any kind of motorsport and I understand them even less in drone racing.
next season you should go to
Rudno polje, lake Jasna, Trbovlje chimney or maybie Bovec. all locations in Slovenia.
If you need I can try to arrange to race on those locations.
That Minchan pilot is flying high risk – high reward…just insane fast.
You realize things need energy to be powered right? They use that energy when being powered. At some point you have to refill that energy lol.
+Aleks Biteman I’d rather have bigger batteries/tanks and slower cars/drones rather than having my entire race decided by how retarded the guys at the pitstop are.
@Aleks Biteman I’d rather have bigger batteries/tanks and slower cars/drones rather than having my entire race decided by how retarded the guys at the pitstop are.
45:45 shut the fuck up bitch, what the “hard work”?
Races happening this year?
я скоро натренькаюсь и всех победю ))))
hahaha rip the lipos. especially with go pros
does anyone know if they’re allowed 6s?
“pilot”… bahahahah… nah… operators. Yes.
You don’t get why a car would need a pitstop for fuel or tires? How is that a difficult concept with drones. Just like any high powered form of racing the energy source needs to be replenished to keep on with a race and maybe a quick fix (ex:prop bent from clipping another racer) to stay competitive.
This is a great format to watch quad racing! HD footage(most likely post-production) and all the great camera angles to show how tense the sport is for these pilots. I just don’t see X-class being this intense and fast paced with the extra mass, might be easier to follow as a spectator but not as fun to watch close up.
@Alberto Polanco Make engines more efficient and tyres that last longer then.
@Flaros Overfield easier said than done. Mercedes F1 engine is only %50 thermo efficient and that’s a big deal in terms of internal combustion engines. Tires need to be soft to hold grip, make a tire that is soft and last forever and you will be rich. Until we make a nuclear powered race car that has tires made of an undiscovered indestructible substance and car components that don’t break we will need pitstops. Don’t like it? Become an engineer and show these multi billion dollar companies what they are doing wrong.
@Alberto Polanco I don’t need to, because these multibillion dollar companies have already done all of the above.
The engine refueling problem has already been solved and F1 has no refueling anymore. Pirelli is 100% able to make tyres that are soft, grippy, and easily last 100 laps. They don’t because FIA is telling them not to, because FIA wants pit stops. To do that, Pirelli needs to make 3 tyre compounds that start wearing at a very specific curve, to force “strategy”.
Watch chainbear’s videos. Or read a book. I don’t care.
This series has been a blast to view and experience these epic locations! Cant wait for next season!
Should be gates on the tower imho
Dit lyk befok
Wow that race with alex and min was lame, how could they call it after just one try? Shoulda been at LEAST a 3 outta 5.
Hi! There’s a new telegram group dedicated exclusively to racing and freestyle drones. The more we are, the better!
search –> racingdrones
12S Cannonball Type 800 | X-Class Giant Racing Drone Frame for only $239.00 get your now and enter the world of x class drone racing for the cost of a mini quad
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11:45 csaba`s eyes look in to the heaven
11:45 csaba`s eyes look in to the heaven
haha wow this game. but i cant see them. are like bee. Use Xclass to see them and some leds or somthing.
360 camera please
11:44 came for the race, will be back for Imogen, damn ?
It’s actually a sport?
I think the announcer is overselling it a little bit. Seems like they’re always trying to hype drone racing more than it needs to be. Its not like Nascar where its about crashes and explosions. Its about speed and precision and a little strategy. Its not really going to be a spectator sport because it just isn’t that exiting to watch from the ground. Get some cool locations, make a track where there is a spectator area, with screens showing each pilot, maybe some tech that lists their race position as well. Make the track route pass by the spectator area once or twice a lap. That would get people more interested in watching i think. But hyping the crashes and all that seems unnecisarry.
did he just yell “expesially”?????? smh
At least I can see the races here, unlike somewhere else. (Looking At you DRL!)
I’m so sad that this quality show only have this less views
Is this coming back??
They won 50k and the whole team didn’t really seem to react like i would lol.
28:27 The best control, the best dive, by far the best pilot .
minchan is 15??? wtf
looks easy
Those drones shooting over the DHL tower sounds so powerful like a car doing a 1/4mile. I love it. Music to my ears.
me: *realizes the prize money can’t even pay off a year of tuition…*
Now this is how you normalize drone racing, I like it.
Racing is intense, this is why I stick to freestyle
Racing is intense, this is why I stick to freestyle
28:18 unbelivable…
Omg i cant wait to get into this im already hooked and iv never flown a drone! Lol
Gotta make them bigger. Everyone loves real danger. Flying golf carts exploding at 100 miles per hour is way better.
Plus nobody dies in crashes
You’ve been here in Slovenija!!!! Why did I miss that? ??
When are you coming again? ?
Русские есть?
Its so sad that Alex crashed so early against Minchan. Would have loved to see them have a close race… But Minchan is a machine! He is so talented, its unbelievable. I hope to see more from him!
Hmm rename ??
Geisteskrank wie die schnell Fliegen !!!
kan mir jemand sagen was so ein setup kostet die die da Fliegen Drohne Samt Brille ??
Bitte danke
damn I’m living in Bonn! Wish I was there. I’m currently getting into this hobby
Brilliant racing ever watched….
Ok at 3:15 min they mention mid-air collisions.! Before this becomes the real “Drone1 or Fly1” (human pilot) can we build in mid air collision avoidance!
It wouldn’t be fun if anybody died!
I’m in, how do I fly one in real life?
Cringe af
Asian people are the best at everything lolol
Team archangel “ Adam kiki “ looks like Jason tatom
this is where my duty and tax gone, ok.
Minchan is god tier
Can someone fire this fucking pleb of a commentator? All she does is rub salt into losing pilots wounds, and then talks shit about their flying, whilst probably never having flown even a Phantom.. seriously DRA, do better than this idiot.
Oh my god…. she just keep getting worse. Shes fucking vapid
i’m doin a pretty good job not crashing. cant believe how good they are
It’s crazy how the team with the best composure won.. all the other teams had some fast pilots but with no accuracy.
It’s crazy how the team with the best composure won.. all the other teams had some fast pilots but with no accuracy.
duydvng where are u flying around Bonn? I’m also living in Weststadt
recoN90m hi, ich habe mich vor paar Monaten damit beschäftigt und wollte mir meine erste Drohne holen, aber durch Corona liegen meine aktuellen finanziellen Prioritäten leider woanders! Vllt irgendwann
23:42 _ LOL I don’t care how cute she is – DON’T DROWN MY DRONE!
Most people are buying the DJI | RYZE Tello. Can you install better
motors and install a 4k camera on it? Thousands of people would love to
see that!! #tellodrone #djitello #ryzetello #ryze.
23:46 this is why there is stereotype about women behind wheels ???
Go to a community college, you’ll have money to spare, lmfao
28:13 that was undoubtedly the best flying ive ever seen. asians are insane
This is incredibly underrated
Next blades should’ve won
Same commentator as formula e
Love it when the cocky lose
respect to the pilots, very nice skills
but hey are you fckn sirious? to force a pit stop on that high speed? there is a fckn second more or less decide about the win.
I tracked the pit time, and the people who had the shortest stop won, obviously. In one sec they fly half of the course, but some switch the battery in 8 sec and any other in 18… thats stupid
and only 14yo or something stupid
i suggest getting marketted by http://www.berensmarketing.com braaah
Wow nurds taking the world
pit stops are stupid in a 4 lap race
Just watched 2017 and 2018 seasons. Great progression. First season had a little too much drama, swearing and “personalities”. 2018 was much more professional and therefore more enjoyable. Pilots skills also seamed more even in the second season. Regardless, it was all fun to watch. Great job to the pilots and to the DR1 team! Looking forward to see more.
The fact that I live there and didn’t know this happened is honestly the most astonishing thing in this whole video. Like in part of the video you could see my house…
Its competition no cockyness
@Sloop – Racing is competition. Talk is just talk.
Minchan? More like Jammin! dang that’s fast!
I’m brasilian, just saw it and I’am reaaaaalllyyy excited to get thisd going here hahaha I want to see these crazy maneuvers and the drones crashing each other, of course HAHA great game!
These guys are so serious.
This show is an ad for itself.
No matter how good you are there will always be an Asian better than you ?
Who knows if they only flew at 25 mW in this race in Germany?