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Strange Drones 3D Printed Cruiser Quadcopter Flight Endurance Test13:36

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You can download the STL files here and 3D print AliShanMao Cruiser Quadcopter at home

Strange drones time is here. Watch out now, 3D Printed Strange Cruiser drones are here. I always wanted a strange concept auto cruising FPV Quadcopter. There is none in the market. So I went ahead and designed one of my own in 3D software, sliced it and 3D printed all the parts. Put it together with Naza lite. When I brought it out, I was not confident that it will even fly. But not only it flew but it flew so well and cruised without touching Pitch controls so well that I was surprised. I am so happy that my concept flew and worked as I expected. This is an amazing stable 3D printed quadcopter frame that actually starts cruising forward without even touching the pitch controls. And if you install a camera on the front, you won’t have to tilt your camera upward. Just keep it facing forward, quadcopter will start cruising at good speed itself due to its design and you can enjoy a leveled flight video without any props in the view.

Enjoy the 2nd flight of Cruiser Quadcopter testing its flight endurance

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Production music whenever present in Videos unless mentioned separately is courtesy of Epidemic Sound

#3Dprinting #Drone #nazalite #DJInaza #homemade #RC

    1. Victor Olivares
    2. fuba44
    3. Clockwork_Gaming
    4. BrohamLincon
    5. Charlie Wall

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