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Updated: How to build a Mini Quadcopter for FPV Racing By Mini Quad Bros29:56

Drone Kit used in this video:

Follow the Build Guide for Part Two until it is released. Naze configuration starts at Step 17 ()

Build Guide here: …

It’s been awhile since my first video, and some of the components and methods are outdated. Here’s a more modern approach 🙂

In this video series, I show you how to build a mini quadcopter from start, to maiden flight. Lot’s of terrible editing, bad angles, but nonetheless, a solid resource you need when building your own FPV Racing Mini Quadcopter.

Part 2 will be released soon, and it will cover the cleanflight configuration, radio setup, and the maiden flight!

Mille-Ties: …

Music by Jeff Kaale:

    1. Dax Rowden
    2. James Minor
    3. frost
    4. ‫خالد عميره‬‎
    5. Isaac Arp
    6. Empire
    7. blaze sword
    8. HQ GAMER
    9. Enlightened_FPV
    11. Nathan Chin
    12. Hendrik schmidt
    13. Subsisto
    14. Zachary Moore
    15. Aditya Rao
    16. Ruben Rivera
    17. Cory Smith
    18. YuTR0N
    19. Eric Gomez
    20. Shabbar Qaim Jaffari
    21. Shaine Winter
    22. niño eclarin
    23. Khang Dương Tuấn An
    24. jasper sabillano
    25. Preston Mcmurtry
    26. kat0do
    28. MC's Creations
    29. Sahl Azin
    30. Isaac Daw
    31. Is Da
    32. Thomas Unfried
    33. steph EM
    34. Steve DiCe
    35. Paul Paretta
    36. DBKTube
    37. Jesus Marshall
    38. daytonpyro
    39. Firdaus Firdaus
    40. Avais Ansari
    41. fabio stesicoro
    42. sunny Das
    43. Alena Vishnevsky
    44. Jorge Romero
    45. AndroEGE 123
    46. P.J. R.C. helicopter lover
    47. P.J.
    49. James Gagnon
    50. Guy Pierpoint
    51. ArkaSEN
    52. Luis Tamborrell
    53. ChunkyPixel88
    54. Rakesh Barik
    55. Anjana Virushan
    56. Fanck Nivada
    57. Samuel Gard

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