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What does it take to put on a DRL race?00:00

Unlike other sports leagues & competitions, DRL is a technology company at its core. DRL designs and builds every piece of technology to put on a race event from the group up.

DRL is the premiere professional race series for FPV drone racing. The Drone Racing League brings the world’s best pilots together to fly the custom designed “DRL Racer4” drone to race head-to-head through world class 3D courses in iconic locations. Drone Racing is the sport of the future.

Visit our Official Website: www.drl.io
Subscribe: www.youtube.com/c/thedroneracingleague
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thedroneracingleague
Twitter: @DroneRaceLeague
Instagram @thedroneracingleague

    1. Just in
    2. BB- FLUX
    3. Moldy Goldie
    4. Lumakid 100
    5. Emmanuel Mota
    6. Votz Kwad
    7. K P
    8. Aaron Boyd

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