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Why I Don’t Make Drone Videos Any More00:00

I want to say a huge thank you to anyone that has supported my channel.

Instagram – http://instagram.com/francisdarracott
Proper Job!

Disclaimer: I will still be using drone shots in future videos. But only to tell a story.

    1. Vincent Brewer
    2. Roy Lewis
    3. Dave Gregoire
    4. MSM
    5. wesley reid
    6. Matt Ward
    7. baksideDisaster
    8. Mr Gardner's Primary Education
    9. Clare Gallon
    10. Yeison Torrealba
    11. Reginald Worthington
    12. Alexandra Harper
    13. Jorge Canelas
    14. Kevin Mertens
    15. IRMMZ 1
    16. maria fernanda
    17. jaytok7
    18. TJSN-photography
    19. Young360
    20. Manish Chaturvedi
    21. bliz cas5
    22. Damian Wagner
    23. Alex Lo

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