Tag: Drone Racing League

Sebring 2018

Come along for the ride of Sebring 2018. I placed 4th overall against a …

ghetto DRONE retrieval with SKITZO

~ HOLY DESCRIPTION BATMAN ~ ~FOLLOW ME :)~ www.facebook.com/wildwillyfpv/ www.airvuz.com/user/wild-willy-fpv instagram.com/wildwilly_fpv/ twitter.com/wildwilly_fpv Music Credits: …

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Prime Drift: Steven’s BMW E30 325i

https://youtu.be/Y56dwc-SNFk –Prime Drift YouTube channel– https://www.teespring.com/stores/hawkeyedfpv -SWAGSTORE– https://www.patreon.com/Hawkeyedfpv ——-PATREON PAGE— #BQE #grinderv2 #hardcorefpv #ethix …