Tag: flite test

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Expensive Drone Crash

Sharing real moments of our family life with the world. Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/GUNNS4HIRE Follow us …

One Garbage Pack

— Drone Gear — Raceflight: High Power Tune Betaflight; ;Stock My Main Freestyle Quad: …

Reverb Matty Sesh

Long edit, finally feeling comfortable with matty flips Impulse RC Reverb iFlight 2207 2500kv …

Yakuza R226 Frame Review, Build Flight

â–º UndergroundFPV: http://bit.ly/UndergroundFpv â–º Yakuza R226 Frame: https://www.undergroundfpv.com/products/yakuza-r-226 â–º Motors: https://www.undergroundfpv.com/products/kamikaze-team-edition-motors-ak47s â–º VTX: http://bit.ly/RushTankUltimate …