09:35 HR SH5HD 2.4GHz, 4Ch, 6 Axis Gyro, Wi-Fi FPV, RC Quadcopter, Altitude hold, Headless, 720P Cam (RTF) HR SH5HD: https://goo.gl/HZyFZP – coupon code: A8988 ($10) https://goo.gl/1bJzpU – coupon code: A3748 (get …
09:59 Learning how to FLY and CRASH a CINEMATIC FPV DRONE – learn fast Hello DIGITAL FRIENDS, this video is all about learning to fly an FPV DRONE. …
05:25 Testing loiterGPS Hold and Altitude hold in my f450 quadcopter with Pix Hawk Testing loiter/GPS Hold and Altitude hold in my f450 quadcopter with Pix Hawk Hello …
14:11 VLOG_006 CUSTOM FLIGHT CONTROLLER V2 DRONE It is just a quick update regarding my drone project. and how can you …
08:03 BADASS Drone – JXD 509G Review and test flight JXD 509G FPV quadcopter – This drone was sent to me by banggood.com I’d …
10:21 107mph Tachyon 1408 4100kv 3″ Quadcopter 172grams First off, the flight video is horrible. I need to replace either my vtx, …
FPV MINI DRONE RACING + RC CAR TROOPER – MODELS IMMERSION QUADRI pilotage en immersion (FPV) mini drone J-Mini Aérotek + RUNCAM embarquée et RC CAR …
11:40 Sg907 Drone Flight Testing ll Quadcopter Drones Drone Here is the Sg907 Drone Flight Testing Max Flight Time: about 18 mins. Max …
08:32 SM i Droneracing på SM-veckan i Malmö Lokstallarna Lite ”behind the scene” intervjuer under SM i Droneracing som gick av stapeln Lördagen …
00:00 MOTOSLITTA con teamadventuremadesimo – MADESIMO | MONTESPLUGA | GoPro Hero8Black | Drone Footage 4 Giorni a Madesimo, in inverno, per la prima volta DESERTA, neve a palate, …
31:52 Magic Speed X52HD Quadcopter Drone Review My review of the Magic Speed X52HD Quadcopter from Gearbest Buy this: https://www.gearbest.com/rc-quadcopters/pp_1220494.html?lkid=13833378 I …