02:48 DRIFTGRODNO19 FPV DRIFT ДРИФТГРОДНО19 Чемпионат Беларуси #DRIFTGRODNO19 прошел в аэропорту Гродно, где пилоты перед постановкой автомобиля в занос …
drone experience festival Nantes : démonstration fpv racing Démonstration FPV Racing la nuit lors du Drone Expérience Festival de Nantes le vendredi …
20:24 Hubsan H501S Follow Me GPS FPV Vacation Drone Flight Test Review What quadcopter would you take on vacation this year? The Hubsan H501S includes good …
18:54 MJX X102H Large Altitude Hold Camera Drone Flight Test Review This large upgrade to the X101 quadcopter includes altitude hold, inverted propellers, plenty of …
17:46 WLToys Q303-A Large Altitude Hold FPV Gimbal Drone Flight Test Review This WLToys large quadcopter has a lot going for it including 5.8Ghz FPV, alitude …
13:46 DM DM106 FPV Camera Drone Flight Test Review This 720p HD camera drone includes a controller that’s a clone of the Wingsland …
03:34 DJI Spark High Wind Speed Test ? Watch what happens if you fly a DJI Spark Drone (https://goo.gl/9RJ3WQ) in high wind …
01:00 Fail Compilation CRASH Multirotor Blade 350 QX FPV — Drone — Quadcopter RC Voici une compilation de mes crash, en ordre chronologique, depuis que j’ai mon 350 …
03:58 Between two courts – 3″ recon quad Trying to get comfortable flying in this area while some basketball players are waiting …
11:11 DRONE no AEROSAMPA e Pico do JARAGUÁ com Wanzan fpv | Voando Com Drone Um sobrevoo partindo do Aerosampa em São Paulo até o Pico do Jaraguá. ? …