Hey Friends! This is the FPV from Sunday with Obi Rob, Quad Rob, Lopaka. With Crossfire on the big cub the bush flying is much better-no fail safe! At one point I think there were five planes in the air. Thanks for all you guys do to support our channel!
Never Stop the RC!
Awesome totally awesome!
Always good flying weather there.
Your videos make me want to go fly… and then I realize I’m in New York where theres maximum 1 field within 50 miles and it’s normally small anyways.
Head on collision in 3…. 2…. 1….
Love your videos! Looks amazing!! Keep it up
Hi these videos make me so happy
A video on Friday…………BONUS!!!!!! Will you still be posting on Sunday??
Right on! Friday vid! Have a great weekend guys!
Great flying video footage guys. Look forward to your weekly sessions, and they just get better and better. NSTRC:)
Way cool love the music!!
Planes everywhere! Holy Sh….
Good show… a Monday and friday video?
Wait does this mean no Sunday funday?
Hey guys,rained in Sydney all day yesterday for the first time in about 5 months,great views,great flying,”these aren’t the quads you’re looking for…he can go about his business,move along,.”These aren’t the quads we’re looking for.,,.move along,move along”
Oh BTW Johnathan I got to fly my GEPRC Phantom Toothpick today was able to put it through is paces with no wind at all.
Oyeeah! Bonus flying, I hope this doenst mean you wont publish a new film on sunday
Keep it up! Love you stuffs, I posted a new FPV flight today, just a casual forrest bashing. check it out
‘Like’ this comment if you think this channel should be renamed “The Rob Show”. Rob is an incredibly talented quad pilot.
Used to be green out there!
Great video guys!!! Reminds my of the good old times. What are y’all using for fpv?
What 2 psychopaths disliked this video?? This is fantastic!
I really dig those orange cub lookin planes