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FPV Friday | Big Cubs Flying with Obi Rob02:41

Hey Friends! This is the FPV from Sunday with Obi Rob, Quad Rob, Lopaka. With Crossfire on the big cub the bush flying is much better-no fail safe! At one point I think there were five planes in the air. Thanks for all you guys do to support our channel!

Never Stop the RC!

    1. Pro Bro Cueball!/Mr.BrushlessWhoopFan
    2. Controlled Chaos RC
    3. Fdaygo
    4. RobisonRacing68
    5. Philip Pearson
    6. Yay cat Productions
    7. ctrcflyin2011
    8. Mafco Designs
    9. Georgewrigley
    10. Plowboy H
    11. Nerdsteve01
    12. redwineisfine
    13. Andrew Potter
    14. Pro Bro Cueball!/Mr.BrushlessWhoopFan
    15. Chris FPV
    16. Mac Robinson
    17. ezr168
    18. Love RC
    19. Grackle FPV

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