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FR7 | 2806.51700 | Dual 6s | Hero 703:37

Maidened the #brotherhobby #avenger 2806.5 motors today. They are quite a bit bigger in diameter than my 2408s. Ran them with single 6s 1500mah batteries and they sucked em dry in 3 minutes. Then I tried dual 6s 1500s and it was much happier and I got 5.5 minutes of spirited flying. This is that flight.

Frame: FR7
Motors: Brotherhobby Avenger 2806.5/1700kv
Props: DAL 7056

GoPro Hero 7 Black
4K, 30p, no hypersmooth, no ND, superview.

Song: Liability
Artist: Tape Machines

    1. Michael O'Donovan
    2. Hattash Fpv
    3. smiley7123

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