Drone Simulation and Control, Part 2: How Do You Get a Drone to Hover?13:23

In the last video, we showed we can manipulate the four motors of a quadcopter to maneuver it in 3D space by getting it to roll, pitch, yaw, and change its thrust. We also covered the four sensors we have at our disposal to estimate the system states. In this video, we’re going to use that knowledge to design a control system architecture for hovering a quadcopter. We’re going to figure out which states we need to feedback, how many controllers we need to build, and how those controllers interact with each other.
See the entire Drone Simulation and Control Series: http://bit.ly/2RmLZLQ

• Simulink Hardware Support Package for PARROT Minidrone: http://bit.ly/2C99ynb
• Introduction to Simulink Hardware Support for PARROT Minidrones: http://bit.ly/2CapENk
• Quadcopter Simulation and Control Made Easy: http://bit.ly/2CcnHjl
• Modelling, Simulation, and Control of a Quadcopter: http://bit.ly/2CeFI0H
• Quadcopter Modelling and Simulation: A Case Study for Encouraging Deeper Learning Engagements with Students: http://bit.ly/2Cf08GS
• How to Design and Model a Quadcopter Prototype with Simulink and Arduino:
• Programming Drones with Simulink: http://bit.ly/2CdbFq7

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