In this video I explain how to build the YMFC-32 autonomous flying GPS hold quadcopter. You can download the free Arduino code from my website.
The YMFC-32 is a very simple and easy to understand Arduino project that will help you to develop your own autonomous flight controller. Because the code is fully explained in various videos and kept as easy as possible, everybody should be able to further develop this code.
A detailed build tutorial can be found here:
The complete YMFC-32 playlist:
Setting up the Arduino IDE for uploading programs to the STM32:
About my test quadcopters:
You can download the free Arduino code here:
Compass calibration:
Tuning the YMFC-32 settings:
Tankyou m’y french merci à toi
thanks bro this what I’m looking for, why not put on git or another subversion bro?
Awesome project! I learn a lot with your videos with this project.
What is the maximum altitude the drone can obtain and hold?
This is an amazing project! I learn a lot. I hope you still read the comments now and then….I have a question: in the video there is a third, i think multicolor led in the tail of the quadcopter. i can’t find it annywhere in the scematics. I asume it is a 2 color led instead of the green and red one on the PCB? I don’t see them working anymore in the video.
Again… amazing work. Thanks for sharing.
Please reply , can I make my non gps drone to gps drone?????
Do u have arduino code for hexacopter?
thank you brother ,you are not selfish like the other.this really helps us.
thank you so much, I really appreciate your work, sir!
I am about to fall asleep here.
Hi Joop,The following below is your procedure;gps_lat_total_avarage -= gps_lat_rotating_mem[ gps_rotating_mem_location];
gps_lat_rotating_mem[ gps_rotating_mem_location] = gps_lat_error – gps_lat_error_previous; gps_lat_total_avarage += gps_lat_rotating_mem[ gps_rotating_mem_location]; I couldn’t understand this procedure.1. Why do you subtract and add the gps_lat_rotating_mem[ gps_rotating_mem_location]?2. Is that the mathematical average of 35 values of gps_lat_rotating_mem[ gps_rotating_mem_location] ?Thank you for your time.
Can I use Arduino uno instead of stm 32?
Thank you a lot for sharing this amazing project and code, but I almost shat in my pants when you started the drone next to your hand without removing the propellers first at 7:15
is the barometer mandatory ?
nice work, a nice feature would be to add Esp8266 NodeMCU (wifi) and SD card. which would make storing various bit of data like PID, telemetry, ect. In fact once I get started on making this I’ll add it, It looks like a great project to make.
thank you , excellent professor. can you update the links?
Hi, first of all thank you for all this videos and materials! I would ask you just one question, during the videos and in your website in section 4.3 you always speak about FS-T6 transmitter and R6B receiver instead of the FS-i6X transmitter with IA6B receiver that you wrote in the hardware list. Does they work similar or are there some differences?
Thank You in advance, i hope to hearing from you!
Can i use Atmel Controller?
These videos are amazing !!!
A nice feature would be to detect the % of battery left.
If the battery reaches a certain lvl, the drone makes a save auto landing.
Good for if you lose control of the drone high up. -justr wait for the battery to run out
and it making a self land on flat and open space with some juice to spare.
Also a nice feature would be a way to clap your hands or (button) and then open your palm, so
that the drone finds it’s way to your hand to make a landing on.