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Seeed Seeedstudio Grove – TF Mini LiDAR | Maker Minute01:10

Seeed technology offers their TF mini LiDar sensor. Based on ToF, or Time-of-Flight, principles, this product integrates its electrical and optical designs for the purpose of providing stable, precise, highly-sensitive, and high-speed distance detection and measurements. With an input voltage range from 4.5 volts to 6 volts, and consuming 120 milliwatts of power, this distance detection sensor is capable of measuring distances ranging from 0.3 meters, or 11.8 inches, to 12 meters, or 39.4 feet. And because it utilizes a UART interface, this device requires only four wires: power, ground, transmit, and receive. Suitable applications include drone altitude holding and terrain following, machine control and safety sensors, and robot distance detections.

    1. Gary Weliver

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