This long flying quadcopter includes control sensors that provide automatic and steady hover. Find it here
– Includes optical and barometric sensors to provide steady hover.
– Long flying quadcopter at over 15 minutes flight time per battery charge.
– Fast and maneuverable quadcopter.
– Powerful enough to lift additional cameras.
– Position hold requires first bringing the quadcopter to stable hover in the air, and then the position hold system will automatically take over to maintain that position. On low wind days, the position hold system works very well. But it’s is not always effective on windy days. Sometime works, somtimes doesn’t.
– Over 250 grams, pilot requires FAA registration if flown in USA. $5 and 5 minutes here
Affiliate links: At no cost to you, I do receive a small commission for sales resulting from these links.
This video along with every video of the Quadcopter 101 channel was produced and edited with VSDC Free Video Editor. You may download this excellent, and no kidding “free” video editor here
“Awel” by stefsax
is licensed under a Creative Commons license:
music was shortened to fit length of video.
You can *buy this quadcopter here*
You need a way for people to donate (or a more obvious way if you already do, I missed it) like patron or something (I donate to a few other channels). You took the time to make so e suggestions to me on getting started and that was just what I needed and would like to say thanks in $$$ terms.
Nice review, I like it when you fly out there nice scenery. Well this version is 98.00 and if you already have the cameras it’s a great idea. A friend of mine asked about it and wanted to know how much for the mini mobius camera. The Mini is from $70.00 to $80.00. Now you have $98.00 + $75.00 = $173.00 and if add the Echine TX03 FPV camera it’s another $25.00. For some one trying start out without any cameras I am sure that are other quads out there that give someone a better system for the money. You have reviewed a few in the past. The BUGS3 quad runs around $115.00 and will carry a full size GOPRO style camera. A DBPowers camera with WIFI is around $50.00. So for around $165..00 you have a brush-less motor copter and descent camera to start out with. I always enjoy your reviews and appreciate your work that’s involve. You have lead the way in quad copters reviews, keep up the great work 101. I will be waiting for the next one.. Thanks
I recently moved to the US, so pardon me if I don’t know what I’m talking about here.
There are any custom taxes implied when buying the quads from China? If yes(probably) how are the chances and how much percent I’m expected to pay?
In what place was recorded the video ?
I’m from Brazil !!!
Hi. I’m looking for a bit of unbiased expert advice. I guess your the most qualified to get it from. I’m new to the world of drones. I’m looking for an easy to fly drone with GPS, altitude hold, return to home features I can use for fun and take half decent pics and video. I’m looking at 1. hubsan 501s. 2. xkx380-c. 3. or the cheapest out of them all, the WL toys Q303
would you recommend any of them? if so, which one? it also must be able to fly in winds greater than I can produce out my bottom. unlike my current “toy” drone. Thanks.
What is better xk x300 or xk x251? π (speed,fpv,durable,etc)
dou can give me a drone
If these motors were brushless? I would buy right now quickly.. $100 for brushed?
I’l pass!
Mobius Mini has great video and little jello . Thanks for the video>
If you don’t mind sharing, what area is this?