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The motor on this quadcopter won’t spin. Let’s do a real world troubleshoot to figure out why.
As soon as I saw this. I thought I bet it’s the talon F7. I had this exact same issue a few weeks ago. Its a bit sketchy that board. I remapped the motors once without reading the website trying to use a different pin and it bricked the board until I reflashed it. Then I found the info on the site and it’s all good.
Epic !
I 2 have felt and acted so on fix..excellent!
My favorite part is where you show yourself making simple mistakes like the rest of us. Remind us all its toys and to laugh and have fun!
???? Love it. Sometimes it’s just something simple
Thanks… and why your honored.. this isnt alot, but very wrong! Much love bud and respect!
My brain still hurts on so much in BF.. forever for me!
I too seem to be giving a lot of fish away these days. Sometimes it is just not worth the head banging.
Funny video. I did learn something regarding the motor beeps. Thanks.
just like working on cars. like finding a broken ground wire when its right in plain sight… its the little things. but, at least you fixed it for ur buddy!
@Joshua Bardwell I wrestled with that board about a year ago. I was about to pull my hair out until I discovered that. At first you had to use the resource stated for that firmware. The new target didn’t exist yet. (RESOURCE MOTOR 6) for motor 4…silly lol
The Intro is gooood.
The outro is so-so.. as usual xD.
Was it the motor map? I haven’t finished yet but that’s my guess
Lol that’s FPV…know your target private!
I guessed wrong firmware. yaaaayyyt
Josh a slow clap to you buddy, slow clap to you. Hahaha stay good lookin bro
5:55 what it sounds like when Ole JB learns something. lol ? ? ?
you always have that helping tendency joshua brother
That’s not a beauty of troubleshooting, but an idiotism of every opensource project! That’s what had born a great hate to programing like arduino and rpi and all other opensource things. We say it russian “to work through an asshole”, and that describes all the libraries for each propouse on github. I do not absultelly need thousands of libraries for the same propouse with none of them works correctly. I need just one that works in the right way, and I see no problem to pay for it like 5-10$. The same thing with betaflight and emuflight… Why do I have to spent the whole weekend to tune my quad? Lot of parameters whith no correct descripption… Pidtool box just made it a little bit easier to tune pids and filters, but only when all “spoiling” parameters like boost, idecay, spa, iterm rotation, feathered pids and etc are disabled… And if I enable something like featherd pids I’ll have some strange behavior graphs on pids when before the gyro get to the setpoint it has a horizontal shelf at about 0.4-0.5 of the set point and than it goes up to the setpoint… If I turn on idecay it just make my quad slowly pitch or roll by itself… So the main question: why do I have to tune my drone by myself, if there are lots of autopid tuning programs? and also there is a great question about how is it when the drone fly in the right way? I mean a feeling of a perfect tune of a perfect drone? I do believe that even betaflight and emuflight developers do not know it… Maybe developers should decide about REFERNCE DRONE? Mathematicaly everyone should understand that perfect tuned drone is the one, which have no overshoot and fast following the set point… So that’s all about newbies who come to that hobby and have no any idea of how that thing should fly, how to tune it especialy when all the videos about tuning just talking about “THAT LOCKED FEELING” when you raising up P and etc..
So if you don’t feel any DUDU esc dead?
How is that again? Doot, Doot, Doot ?
Was this a BNF or whatever kit and pre-shipped with the wrong target? My 1st guess was the signal wire, but as soon as you went to the CLI, it seemed pretty clear something was amis. Great job! Thanks for sharing.
I loved your fish sentence
“I feel the buzz” – Joshua Bardwell
Sad part is they go out of stock and they always place the same issue on each restocked item. It’s your branded fc fix this issue so the newer releases don’t have issues.
Haha, I had 3 Talon F7 mini fcs and that issue had my head scratching for a week before I had it working. They initially had the incorrect resource mapping so it took some time to get it fixed.
I’m a simple man, if Joshua laugh me laugh
Good job JB
I think you learned something today ?
Cool video IV had problems in the past with new builds with duff motors a good test if everything else seems ok is to swop motors and the duff motor moves but is a pain resoldering may be I will make a motor tester as in one of your other video to test new motors on
Joshua, you are a born master, those scientific troubleshooting chops are next to none !!! KUDOS to U senor BARDWELL !!!
Evena total newbe like me onderstand your explanation and maner of attak to the problem ,thanks your right i learnd some today ?
Can anyone help my back motors give no movement when arming but only front two does also the motors work at 1030 throttle but then stops after it , stopped working after accident reset
This is exactly what happened to me. I flashed the wrong firmware. Took me forever to figure out and finally figured it out after I bought another flight controller and swapped it only to realize later that I flashed the wrong firmware after all the wires still worked with the new FC. Now I have another FC! Lol
You should do more of these videos. Its very helpful
I have the same FC and I use the TalonF7Fusion target, why would you use the legacy target?
I love those aha moments. Please could you do a video on the FPV head tracking using a static camera such as Spektrum teleporter v4. Are there others do I have to use these, any good?
Hey Joshua looking for some help as well. One of my front motors is not working right. I plug in the quad and get all 5 beeps from motors, but I arm the quad and one of my motors are pulsing(spins a little than stops over and over), I raise throttle and the drone will shut down and restart with the same beeps as I just plugged a battery in. Any suggestions or ideas? Thank you in advance ??
“I feel the buzz” – NICE
There was some amazingly nuanced information. I had no clue the motors sang. This will save me a ton of time. THANK YOU
I think you just saved me a lot of $$$. ?
Awesome information!
Built my first (and only up until this week) quad (RR CL1) about 2 years ago. I couldnt understand how it made such a loud init sound, where it came from (no obvious speaker on the FC) or why I still needed an external speaker. I flew it a bit and it collected dust. Never did FPV – LOS only. It’s so fast yet stable. I never wrecked it – unlike my attempts at heli – pro tip I learned circa 2000 dont try a .30 nitro swash as your first without simulator experience no matter what you think you can do. My last flight with it before I took a break from the hobby I actually used it to hang an 80M half wave antenna on the top of a tree. Lots of failed attempts at throwing rocks and using a sling shot/fishing pole. Anyway. Rigged up some string and stripped 12awg wire, flew over, yanked the string – antenna dropped (well, not the antenna but the rope I used to then pull it up) – boom. Also got my first contact that day. My mind exploded when I learned the sound came from the motors. Ive been into car/home audio for the same time. The answer has been in front of me the whole time. Ive never seen that from an RC before but it make so much sense. Its genius. Motors are basically speakers – without the part that pushes air which isnt even needed for higher frequencies. Apologies for the long comment but man – mind blown / mystery solved – amazing.
You made me re-re-troubleshoot my Mob7.
I was able to track down a lose connection that I missed twice.
Thank you Bardwell.
Hey what frame is that?
The simplest solution is usually the answer. At the end of the day, problem solved, so happy flying!
funniest vid ever.