3DR Solo Quadcopter Speed Test 1 – 60fps Video no Gimbal01:29

New Solo Quad from 3D Robotics
Max Speed Test @ 60fps, GoPro Hero 4, No gimbal (pending release)/stabilization

Short no frills speed test video of the new 3DR Solo. Speed set to fastest in advanced settings, max stick. 55 mph is advertised (I know lots of variables exist + reviewing the tape the straightaway length should have been changed). Test 2 at a bigger track but damn it’s fast and beautiful in real life.

Super impressed by the solid flight control and accuracy, love the design and controls, some maneuvering seemed slow but I’m sure there are even more advanced free flight options available or will be made available soon . So excited by this platform and humbled to have the opportunity to fly and share.

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    1. Edmundo Andres
    2. Dennis Gubbins
    4. Robots4Sale
    5. trippplefive
    6. FullCTRL _ID
    7. 004ner
    8. redjack56
    9. QuadcopterHub
    10. Scott Allen
    11. Writing
    12. Chris Whiting
    13. Eric Goldstein
    14. marianne gauci
    15. Dennis Gubbins
    16. Brian Python
    17. FullCTRL_ID

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