Blade Nano QX FPV Review – Micro FPV quadcopters series Part 1
Hi there people 🙂
Here is a presentation & flight-demo of the Blade Nano QX FPV by Horizon Hobbies. This is actually part of a series of video’s I’ll do about micro-size FPV multi-rotors 🙂
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My only complaint with it is the battery doesn’t last very long. Mine lasts
less than 3 minutes with a new battery. I modified the bottom a little to
accept a bigger battery held on with a tiny rubber band. It still works
good, slightly sluggish with the added weight but lasts a lot longer.
nice review Dutch cool quad ???
very nic demo of the Blade Nano QX Micro FPV quadcopter cool stuff con ;-)
awesome video buddy… the beginning and the whole white “set” is very
clean and professional looking. i’m very impressed keep up the improvements
and the look and feel is top notch.
plus this quad looks amazing and flies super stable. I’m sure you are going
to have a ton of fun with this one and thanks for a little tour of your
living room. i’m interested in some of those RCs i saw, especially the SCT
and the 2 boats 🙂 Is there videos on those? My house used to look like
yours but I got married 5 years ago and have lost control EVER since… lol
cheers D-RC!
Great video. Do you think the Blade nano qx fpv can be modified to accept
the square hubsan batteries? Thank you.
I ended up picking one of these up today, 10% off at HH. Only my second
quad-copter purchase ever.. (not counting CX-10 nanos)
I may run it stock, or I may strip it down and put it on a frame that can
use 7mm motors/ hubsan clear props, and use a larger batt.. A neat little
quad for indoor use though I think, will be fun over the winter. Even
outdoors with a VAS Pepperbox I may able to get some distance out of it,
who knows.
nice little quad, cool vid bro! osd would be nice..I agree!
thats a sweet quad !
Very nice review 🙂 It is a nice quad for sure but just costs too Much for
most people :/
Very nice video and happy to see Onyx again 🙂 He seemed not be amused
about that flying copter inside but I think he is a brave guy. To compare
some micro size FPV copters is an outstanding idea, great project!
Thumbs up my friend! I saw a boat, do you have boat videos?