XK Alien X250 Drone Air Pressure Needle Test Flight

The air pressure needle fix height function of this quadcopter works “kinda”. But the “failsafe” function leaves much to be desired 😉 Use coupon code GAHODQHJ for $4 off at http://shrsl.com/?~9qy4

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“Awel” by stefsax
is licensed under a Creative Commons license:
music was shortened to fit length of video.

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    1. Cole J.
    2. Cole J.
    3. despotmurgatroid
    4. MC flyer
    5. Barry The NEGUS Washington
    6. CropChop Tele
    7. Derek Parker
    8. Arvi R (Ashley)
    9. Abu Tayiba RC Videos
    10. Andrew Mounce
    11. steve allen
    12. steve allen

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