ZTW 30a ESC First Look Signal Cap Removal06:59

Here are some ZTW 30A ESCs with Blheli_S and D shot capable. Much like with most other BLHeli_S ESCs if you want to use D shot you have to remove the signal capacitor and flash new firmware. I show you the location of the cap, you just have to clip it off.

Update: They work perfect on D shot 600 and thanks to SKIDOOSH and a few others for confirming that removing the signal caps helps out tons.

ZTW 30A ESCs – https://www.readymaderc.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=505_507_879&products_id=5760

Watch this video series to learn how to download and use BLHeli Suite and then upgrade the firmware of your ESCs – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiYYhnH4BhI87HJXcyYui_Tzoc3bkcFhX

Upgrading firmware – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoG9BAXiBkU&list=PLiYYhnH4BhI87HJXcyYui_Tzoc3bkcFhX&index=3

How to find the signal capacitor of any ESC – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lm2yTW8jr8&list=PLiYYhnH4BhI87HJXcyYui_Tzoc3bkcFhX&t=214s&index=7

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