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Drone Nexus FPV Racing Drone – Extreme FPV Quadcopter Racing01:52

Welcome to the world of FPV Drone Racing, Drone Nexus, where all the skilled pilots and drone builders come together. Drone Nationals and Drone Motorsports–a FPV quadcopter racing competition that brings together pilots from all around the world. After two days of races and freestyle stunt performances, we chat with the event’s director and the competition’s eventual winner about the developing sport of FPV aerial racing.

this video was posted as an example to give pilots, builders,sponsors and supporters and example of what drone racing is and stimulate imaginations.


My Cousin Tiesto, for suggesting this heavenly track “ID2” by Dimitri Vangelis & Wyman, it was a perfect fit.

All my friends and family in the Netherlands where i’m pretty sure this whole idea started because the dutch are a combination of crazy and bored, although i have been thinking about this drone racing thing for at least a couple of years, but component resources and time were scarce until recently.

My friends who donated the footage that we did not have on our own.

all the skilled pilots and builder we have helped with ideas and builds.

The companies and sponsors involved for seeing our vision to get young adults and everyone else in touch with their skills they never knew they had,. while having a kick ass blast of adrenaline from all angles.

Our crew and company Carbon 12, who are working very hard to bring many things together to make award winning drone building and how to videos to make a builder and racer out of just about anyone.

    1. Jason Esposito
    4. John Diehl
    5. The Commentator
    6. Michael Petale
    7. Kevin Zam
    8. bába v maringotce TV
    9. nubman0
    10. Ron Tropics
    11. GRMIE X
    12. jose20034
    13. Matthew Witt
    14. wildncrzie
    15. Street Dreamz
    16. Rc Discovery
    17. J Auri
    18. Brandon Chaplet
    19. Bennett Crews
    20. LORD VADER
    21. Shad8x
    22. 95TurboSol
    23. Alex Dalton
    24. David Askls
    25. o-ptimus prime
    26. Gamen Met Een Eenhoorn
    27. Quinn Giles
    28. Centro Triana
    29. CSR FPV
    30. D Gordon
    31. FPV Munchen
    32. Bernie's World
    33. Vitta Toilibou
    34. Joseph Thompson
    35. Mocking69
    36. Duck Tape
    37. カンカンかんかん
    38. Sanju Sanju
    39. PJ FPV
    40. Victor Manuel Pineda Garcia
    41. K8 0317
    42. Andy Adryanz
    43. Kevin in Paradise
    44. Pohodlné zdraví
    45. Lustig Witzig
    46. bogey19018
    47. Springtrap
    48. Springtrap
    49. Springtrap
    50. Man Main Man
    51. 최우람
    52. Musab Salih Akten
    53. Fajar Rianto
    54. Mohd Rehan
    55. Bryan Fanning
    56. Alex Grin
    57. DaNoxiuz
    58. River Phoenix
    59. Hier könnte Ihre Werbung stehen
    60. Dom s
    61. CAD SW tutorial
    62. CAD SW tutorial
    63. Sungsoo Kim
    64. Drone War
    65. Tesseradical17
    66. The Philosopher
    67. Nemoris Inferioris
    68. itchylibido
    69. Eddie Parker jr.
    70. Php Cycle
    71. Felix Tandborste
    72. aksi iska

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