The sky is falling for sure this time, I swear Hear about new drone regulations potentially incoming, and find out about the latest in technology coming out across the drone market.
Mystic Drone Takes on DJI with One Big Feature while lacking many standard ones:
Russian Combat Drone the “Hunter” almost ready to take flight
Build your own reaper drone, data and information on the reaper drone leaked to the dark web
The FPV drone designed to rescue people:
Journalist reprimanded for flying a drone over the Thai Cave Rescue causing interference
South Korean Telecom launches Airship drone system:
TOO THE MOON! I mean MARS! Drones take over another world in 2020:
Anti Drone Swarm System capable of taking out targets for as low as $1 a shot:
Drone Park: Dedicated park for drone flyers becoming a thing
Naperville dedicates a park for new drone flyers to practice their skills
House subcommittee to discuss counter drone technology – same coalition trying to regulate hobbyists for commercial interest.
Watch the Subcomittee discuss the isues live tomorrow @
FAA On Course to restrict hobbyist drones:
Maynard Hill, who has died aged 85, made his mark on aviation history in 2003 when one of his remote-controlled model aircraft became the first to fly a record-breaking 1,882 miles across the Atlantic on less than a gallon of fuel.
Personal News
My health has been, less than great. I’ve been to the ER 4 times in a week, so the lack of content has been partly due to that. Though I haven’t sit still!
Check out this awesome episode of Rotor Riot where we recreate Rocket League with AcroBees from NewBee Drone.
I took 2nd place at X Class Race 3, bringing me into the top 3 for the season. Leading qualifying and Mains with the fastest lap, and still holding the record for fastest lap at the Antioch track of any machine car or drone. https://XClass.Racing
Immediately after this stream I’ll be on the UFDA Shit Show on Ole Gravy Leg’s Channel, it’s NSFW fair warned with pilots speaking their minds and enjoying themselves a bit too much
If you wanna support this channel and more content like this check out my Patreon!
Have been hard at work reformatting and preparing to produce more drone related content going forward, including creating new ways to be able to do that over the last couple months…. and spreading my wings to the community for funding and support.
Check out early premieres on ad free! They help sponsor me & my projects all while helping create one of the best communities for pilots and drone content. Support the ones that support the community! #unitedwedrone
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0:18 – Google Trend for Drone Racing
5:02 – Mystic Drone Takes on DJI with One Big Feature while lacking many standard ones:
7:40 – Russian Combat Drone the “Hunter” almost ready to take flight
9:02 – Build your own reaper drone, data and information on the reaper drone leaked to the dark web
10:11 – The FPV drone designed to rescue people:
11:26- Journalist reprimanded for flying a drone over the Thai Cave Rescue causing interference
12:23 – South Korean Telecom launches Airship drone system:
14:34 – TOO THE MOON! I mean MARS! Drones take over another world in 2020:
15:46 – Anti Drone Swarm System capable of taking out targets for as low as $1 a shot:
17:44 – Drone Park: Dedicated park for drone flyers becoming a thing
20:18 – House subcommittee to discuss counter drone technology – same coalition trying to regulate hobbyists for commercial interest.
24:08 – Watch the Subcomittee discuss the isues live tomorrow @
24:20 – FAA On Course to restrict hobbyist drones:
24:25 – Maynard Hill, who has died aged 85, made his mark on aviation history in 2003 when one of his remote-controlled model aircraft became the first to fly a record-breaking 1,882 miles across the Atlantic on less than a gallon of fuel.
28:48 – Check out this awesome episode of Rotor Riot where we recreate Rocket League with AcroBees from NewBee Drone.
31:15 – I took 2nd place at X Class Race 3, bringing me into the top 3 for the season. Leading qualifying and Mains with the fastest lap, and still holding the record for fastest lap at the Antioch track of any machine car or drone.
Immediately after this stream
33:54 – I’ll be on the UFDA Shit Show on Ole Gravy Leg’s Channel, it’s NSFW fair warned with pilots speaking their minds and enjoying themselves a bit too much
Great video. Wide-ranging and informative. Thank you.
Death to clones!
I’m with you on your opinion about the regulations. Unfortunately, power and money will eventually decide the faith of this hobby.
I think exactly what you said! I’ve only been flying 6 months, and at first, for me, it was a GPS thing, until I saw racer quads, and my path changed completely! With that being said, the racer quad side of things is a GIGANTIC learning curve in every respect. Setting it up, learning the basics of Betaflight, learning how to fix it, because, you will need to fix it! All of this is a money pit, as compared to the toy grade side of things. I haven’t even started the FPV aspect of this yet, as I’m honing my Acro skills in LOS first. Good FPV gear, theres another grand! What is my point in all this, I really don’t know, but it sounds good!
ok someone explain the return to china thing ? please be as funny as I think it is. cause right now im imagining people hitting return to home and there drones trying to fly back to china
Common sense will always dictate MY LIFE, ridiculous governMENTAL legislation NEVER HAS, NEVER WILL. We all will die one day? I am perfectly content with the idea of dying for a cause! How many drones can you fly into the backs of crooked politicians heads, at 80mph, with a long range system before you get caught if you think, plan, formulate, are savy and stealthy?
Hello can you explain how is it possible to get to 45min of flight time ? 32:56
It’s only been what, 5 years since for really started? Give it time. For those that want to fly but not break the bank, get a decently priced starter kit.
Don’t hand me one I’ll crash it lol ??
Great content Zoe! You talk a lot of sense and covered loads of interesting topics. If we do get forced to fly in an empty field then how would you feel about augmented reality obstacles overlayed into the video feed? We could put anything we wanted into the empty field instantly turning it into a fpv playground or race circuit. No running around with gates and flags just pick your pre designed track or obstacles , size them to fit your field and ripp. In the goggles u got a bando to die for, in reality your spotter sees you pulling off crazy manuevres in open space. Even if we are left to fly where we want i would still love to see this as a thing.
Dedicated parks sounds a lot like where native americans were ” banned” to. Dedicated nativeamerican ” land”
Hi Zoe long time fan new sub. I’m so sorry to here u have had medical problems lately .i’m a giant acromegly giantisem 7foot tall diagnosed at17 42today. I wish you all the best! and thank you for helping this hobby, keeping it alive and going strong. !
It was great to see you on the Shit Show Zoe! Anarchy!
Here where I live around the Cincinnati Ohio area they have pretty much banned all RC flying and even RC car operation in all city , county and state parks for the hobbyist.
I have been to over 40 parks this year and every one of them ran me off. Some parks I was flying in last year and never had an issue. I’ve always asked and made sure no pedestrians around. It’s gotten almost epidemic around here especially with the drones. They have turned most of not all Olathe parks into dog parks and of course we all no most dogs can’t stand the sound of drones. The park districts here cater only to the dog walkers and the joggers.
To me drone new’s is fake new’s..I fly in a big city, so far I have never seen a nother flyer in 2 years, things I avoid is parks with unleashed dogs and lots of kids and air traffic like helicopters/police/hospital/etc. other than that the skys mine.
Zoe great video and your opinion is sound, thanks for sharing. Hope your health issues improve rapidly ??
Parrot Drones have had flight Plan for sometime Now. Parrot makes AR3.0 and beyond bebop 1 $70 refurb techrabbit. FPV with phone or tablet.