Nice Rolf. Hoffentlich schaffe ich es dieses Jahr mal vorbeizuschauen.
NulliFieD FPV
du hast es halt drauf! xD
when is the race??
Lucky shot in the triangle of death…or great skills? Skills ofcourse! Supergeil Rolf
Andreas Geisen
Sau geil! Das kleine Dreieck ist das richtige Eye of the Needle ??
Angelo Samuel
Du bist einfach ein Glückspilz!!! Mega geil! Freuen uns aufs nächste Race bei dir ??
Jon Wise
Good to see different types of gates, really adds variety to racing.
GEIL! Einfach nur GEIL!
blue sunshine
@0:12 Extra points for that. You’re good, I didn’t want it to end. Thank you Rolf.
André Ferreira
Were can I make the inscription for this race?
Tim Adams
Wow, there is such a thing as a good mistake. lol
Tom Muhleman, Jr.
You are definitely in my top 5 list of best friggin’ drone pilots on the planet, Rolf! I’d be happy if I could get a quad around that course without stuffing it in the dirt a few times… Some day (maybe). ?
KasaBasBo 1
Großartig! Geiler Spielplatz, du hast es echt drauf!
crash bang wallop!!!! go Ralf
oh first!!!!
HammerHart.. KlasseTyp
Der Move durchs Dreieck…
Nice Rolf. Hoffentlich schaffe ich es dieses Jahr mal vorbeizuschauen.
du hast es halt drauf! xD
when is the race??
Lucky shot in the triangle of death…or great skills? Skills ofcourse! Supergeil Rolf
Sau geil! Das kleine Dreieck ist das richtige Eye of the Needle ??
Du bist einfach ein Glückspilz!!! Mega geil! Freuen uns aufs nächste Race bei dir ??
Good to see different types of gates, really adds variety to racing.
GEIL! Einfach nur GEIL!
@0:12 Extra points for that. You’re good, I didn’t want it to end. Thank you Rolf.
Were can I make the inscription for this race?
Wow, there is such a thing as a good mistake. lol
You are definitely in my top 5 list of best friggin’ drone pilots on the planet, Rolf! I’d be happy if I could get a quad around that course without stuffing it in the dirt a few times… Some day (maybe). ?
Großartig! Geiler Spielplatz, du hast es echt drauf!
Geiler Track!! 😀