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First three batteries after two weeks without flying… Feels good to be back in …

RAW Spring Rip

Flying weather is upon us! Please consider supporting me https://www.patreon.com/pilotincommandfpv Ending song Waves – …

DIY Wifi Controlled Drone

Arduino code:https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fxU_GdICTOY2-PClH35HPMsd0cn2tM-8 Frimware upgrade:https://youtu.be/Krv-CMSfb_M node mcu to arduino:https://youtu.be/flLMMHCNkQE Datasheet:https://www.unmannedtech.co.uk/uploads/6/7/0/2/6702064/f3_evo_fc_manual.pdf ……………..links for buying components……………………………. Flight …