Interactive 360 Degree Drone Flying | Ricoh Theta S

Something a little different and kind of special from me. Here is an interactive 360 degree flight over a property. You can use the mouse to move around the scene and see the flight from any angle you wish !

I’ve used my racing QuadCopter for this and was quite tricky to keep the machine at a slow speed. The extra weight of the 360 degree camera was also a challenge to control.

At the moment the YouTube system has zoomed into the scene quite a lot so the image looks low-res and a bit blurred. Viewing the original footage on my phone or PC allows me to zoom out and it looks better. I’m sure that YouTube will allow this feature at some time in the future.


Camera used: Ricoh Theta S attached to the base of the Quadcopter.

Shot in 1080p (30fps) then published at 960p (30fps) in 360 spherical mode !

Music: “I Remember” by Deadmau5 & Kaskade ft. Laura Brehm

The aircraft used in this video is explained here:

Quadcopter details:
Frame: UBAD Inversion DX 250
Flight Controller: NAZE 32 (full) BetaFlight V2.6.1 with AirMode & SuperExpo on
Receiver: FrSky X8R
Motors: T-Motor 2206 2000KV
ESC: UBAD 20A Mini’s BLHeli V14.4.1 (OneShot and Active Braking enabled)
Props: HQ 5×4 Tri Blade BN
Battery: Tattu 4S 1300mA 45-90c
RunCam 2
Runcam 600TVL PZ0420M
ImmersionRC 25mW 5.8GHz TX
Aomway CloverLeaf antenna
Control Transmitter: FrSky Taranis with full telemetry

Base station details:
ImmersionRC Duo5800 5.8GHz Diversity RX on tripod
Aomway CloverLeaf antenna & ImmersionRC FatShark RHCP Mini Patch antenna
Quantum V2 Headmounted Display

PIDs etc:
Horizon Mode
set pid_controller = MWREWRITE
set dterm_lowpass_hz = 70.000
set dterm_average_count = 4
set yaw_lowpass_hz = 70.000
set p_pitch = 65
set i_pitch = 40
set d_pitch = 28
set p_roll = 43
set i_roll = 40
set d_roll = 24
set p_yaw = 140
set i_yaw = 40
set d_yaw = 24
set i_level = 8
set d_level = 60
set rc_smoothing = ON
set deadband = 4
set super_expo_factor = 30
set rc_rate = 100
set rc_expo = 70
set rc_yaw_expo = 20
set thr_mid = 50
set thr_expo = 0
set roll_rate = 20
set pitch_rate = 20
set yaw_rate = 30

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© Tony Leyland of E x p r e s s i v e I m a g e r y
My images/videos are posted here for your enjoyment only.

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    1. UnlimiteDrone
    2. Ulf Holmström (Masonix)

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